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Victoria's Secreti modell läks elupäästvale opile: mu tissid samahästi kui tapavad mind

Joy Corrigan
Joy Corrigan Foto: GilbertFlores@Broadimage/Scanpix

Joy Corrigan on kaunistanud selliste väljaannete kaasi, nagu Maxim ja Sports Illustrated, mänginud filmides, olnud Playboy Playmate ja kõndinud Victoria’s Secreti poodiumil. Nüüd paljastas ta, et on kümme aastat hiljem eemaldanud oma rinnaimplantaadid.

Corrigan kannatas aastaid migreeni ja väsimuse käes. Ta ei rääkinud kunagi oma implantaatidest, kuid kui tal hakkas halb, teadis ta, et peab need välja saama. Paljud naised, kes on lasknud paigaldada rinnaimplantaadid, on kogenud kroonilist väsimust, valu, udust aju, lekkivat soolestikku, depressiooni, unetust, kilpnäärmeprobleeme ja sagedasi infektsioone.

«Minu teekond tervise poole on kohe algamas. Implantaadid põhimõtteliselt tapavad mind,» ütles ta TikToki videos. «Midagi minu sees tundub valesti. Ma ei tunne end tervena. Ma kardan, kuidas see mu elu muudab.»


Facing down my greatest fears led me to a life-altering decision—one that’s redefined my relationship with my own body. 🙏🏻🥹 This has been a very hard decision for me, but I have decided to prioritize my health and remove my breast implants. It has been a scary, difficult, but rewarding time. And even though I’ve been anxious about how to share this, I am so excited to tell my story with the unbelievable support from close friends and family. By staying loyal to my intuition, honoring my body and myself, and with the help and support of so many wonderful people, I’ve made it through. Here I am to share my experience with all of you, and I hope to spread awareness about Breast Implant Illness to women and shed light on the truth of the implant/explant process. Stay tuned as I share my journey. I will be going LIVE on my Instagram with @thejaguarshaman on September 7th at 12 pm noon PST, where I will be hosting a Q&A. I hope you’ll join us and support me through this process ❤️

♬ original sound - joycorrigan

Ta paljastas, et tal olid implantaadid olnud 12 aastat ja oli hirmutav mõelda, et tema identiteet oli nendega nii kaua seotud. Corrigan ütles, et ta tundis suurt ebakindlust oma lameda rinna tõttu ja arvas, et suuremad rinnad toovad talle rohkem tööd modellimaailmas.

Nüüd teab ta, et see oli ebarealistlike ilustandardite surve, mis viis ta sellele teele. «Ma tahan lihtsalt olla jälle mina ise – loomulik mina – ja ma õpin armastama seda osa iseendast ja see on osa sellest teekonnast,» ütles ta.


I’m so beyond grateful for the unbelievable support from everyone so far! Here is a video of my surgery with David Rankin and his explant liaison Dee Hikcs and the whole incredible team! I was terrified to go into surgery, but as soon as it was done their was a huge sense of relief and freedom, I instantly knew that I made the right choice and I was so glad I trusted my intuition. Loving my body has been a new concept for me, and this is one act of love that my body will forever be grateful for! Stay tuned as I post more videos showing you all my journey. THANK YOU to everyone who has sent me love and support in this time, I don’t know what I would do without my family and friends and Ted. ;)

♬ original sound - joycorrigan

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