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Mürgiämbliku hammustus jättis naisele kohutava haava, võlad ja vähiriski

Jenna Allen (L) and her arm (R).  A venomous spider bite has left a mum with $1.3k a WEEK medical bill, unable to hug her kids and at risk of cancer.  See SWNS story SWSMspider.  Jenna Allen, 28, was volunteering in her hometown, Donald, Victoria, Australia, after severe floods ravaged the area in November 2014.  She reached into a box to get a pair of shoes when she was bitten by a highly venomous Redback spider - also known as the Australian black widow - on her left arm.  Instantly her skin reacted, and Jenna had goose bumps up her left arm, stomach cramps and vomiting.  The local hospital didn’t have any antivenom and Jenna had to travel an hour to another hospital - where she was given two doses and admitted to intensive care.  Jenna was transferred to the Bendigo Hospital, Victoria, for two months where she had a skin graft.  This worked for a year but then a mosquito bite sized pinprick resurfaced which burst.  Her unhealed wound now causes her horrendous pain and has to be constantly bandaged.  The dance teacher is petrified she will get cancer as medics have detected pre-cancerous cells in the wound.  Jenna has health insurance provided by medicare but because her condition is so exceptional, not all of the sky-high costs aren't covered.
Jenna Allen (L) and her arm (R). A venomous spider bite has left a mum with $1.3k a WEEK medical bill, unable to hug her kids and at risk of cancer. See SWNS story SWSMspider. Jenna Allen, 28, was volunteering in her hometown, Donald, Victoria, Australia, after severe floods ravaged the area in November 2014. She reached into a box to get a pair of shoes when she was bitten by a highly venomous Redback spider - also known as the Australian black widow - on her left arm. Instantly her skin reacted, and Jenna had goose bumps up her left arm, stomach cramps and vomiting. The local hospital didn’t have any antivenom and Jenna had to travel an hour to another hospital - where she was given two doses and admitted to intensive care. Jenna was transferred to the Bendigo Hospital, Victoria, for two months where she had a skin graft. This worked for a year but then a mosquito bite sized pinprick resurfaced which burst. Her unhealed wound now causes her horrendous pain and has to be constantly bandaged. The dance teacher is petrified she will get cancer as medics have detected pre-cancerous cells in the wound. Jenna has health insurance provided by medicare but because her condition is so exceptional, not all of the sky-high costs aren't covered. Foto: Courtesy Jenna Allen / SWNS

Naisel on veel aasta pärast ämblikuhammustust käsivarrel kohutav haav, mis on jätnud tema igapäevaelu ohtu ja tekitab küsimusi tuleviku kohta. 

28-aastane Jenna Allen Austraaliast Victoria osariigist on vabatahtlikuna töötanud alates sellest, kui 2014. aastal laastasid piirkonda tohutud üleujutused. Ühel tööpäeval pistis ta käe kogemata kasti, milles oli peidus äärmiselt mürgine ämblik ja hammustas tema kätt. 

Naine kattus mõne hetkega külma higiga, oksendas ja tal tekkisid krambid. Austraalias musta lese nime all tuntud ämbliku hammustus vajas kiiresti vastumürki. Lähimas haiglas seda ei olnud, mis tähendab, et ta pidi sõitma veel tund aega järgmisesse haiglasse, kus ta viidi intensiivravisse.

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