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See lihtne trikk teeb pähklid veelgi tervislikumaks

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
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Pähklid on tänu küllastumata rasvhapetele ja vitamiinidele tõhus vahepala. Siiski ei tuleks neid möödaminnes suhu pista. Toitumisnõustaja avaldab kavala nõksu, kuidas sulgviljadest maksimum kätte saada. 

Nii teraviljad kui kaunviljad, eriti aga pähklid ning seemned sisaldavad fütiinhapet, mis on sulgviljadele just kasvufaasis hädavajalikud.

Seevastu inimkehale pole need ained pooltki nii head, kuna seovad endaga toitaineid ja võivad põhjustada nii seedeprobleeme kui toitainepuudust. 

Sel põhjusel tulebki tähelepanu pöörata sellele, kuidas sa pähkleid sööd. 

Asjatundjal on oma võte

Fitnessitreener ja toitumisnõustaja Simran Khosla Ameerikast soovitab enne tarbimist seemneid ja pähkleid leotada, et saada lahti võimalikest kahjulikest ainetest.

Väiksed sulgviljad tuleks terveks ööks — vähemalt kaheksaks kuni 24 tunniks — panna sooja ja soolase veega kaussi likku. 

Toitumisnõustaja ütleb oma Instagrami postituses, et paljud jätavad selle sammu ajapuudusest vahele, ent ei peaks, sest just tänu leotamisele omastab meie keha toitaineid kõige paremini ja pähkleid on ka kergem seedida. 

Allikas: Fit For Fun

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Lazy enough to soak the #nuts before having them? Don’t have the time to peel off the outer layer of almonds? Trust me. I have been the same. But we are definitely not letting the nutrients get absorbed. Yes, eating nuts are healthy but there’s a proper way to consume them. Because of work schedule or rushing to the gym/office/looking after kids etc., we don’t realise that the nuts that we eat without soaking are actually doing more harm than good. Nuts and seeds can be a terrific nutrient-dense snack or addition to a meal, but like grains and legumes, they can also contain substances that interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Like grains, raw nuts (and especially raw seeds), contain moderate levels of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Phytic acid is biologically necessary for the plant, as it helps safeguard the nut or seed until proper growing conditions are present and germination can occur. These enzyme inhibitors prevent the seed from sprouting prematurely, but can cause potential problems in humans by binding to nutrients in the body and contributing to nutrient deficiencies and digestive system irritation. Seeds and nuts store phosphorus as phytic acid and it becomes a phytate when it binds to a mineral. In the body, this process can stop nutrients from being absorbed in the digestive system and reduce the digestibility of these foods. In other words, just because nuts and seeds are considered good sources of protein and nutrients, doesn’t mean your body can absorb these nutrients. All plants contain phytic acid in some levels, but grains, legumes, nuts and seeds typically contain the highest levels. You can soak the nuts in warm water and salt for about 8-24 hours and then consume it. See your digestion becoming better after that. #protein #knowyournutrition #nutritionist #proteinrequirements #cleaneating #healthyeating#buttlikeanapricot #fitness#core #weighttraining #strengthtraining #fitnessgirl #abs #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitnessfreak #fi #fitnessgoals #fitfam #fitnessguide #fitnessinspiration #flatstomach #absguide #nuts

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