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Naised tähistavad karvaste piltidega raseerimisvaba kuud «Januhairy»

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
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Hi I’m Laura, the gal behind Januhairy! I thought I would write a little about my experiences and how Januhairy came about... I grew out my body hair for a performance as part of my drama degree in May 2018. There had been some parts that were challenging for me, and others that really opened my eyes to the taboo of body hair on a woman. After a few weeks of getting used to it, I started to like my natural hair. I also started to like the lack of uncomfortable episodes of shaving. Though I felt liberated and more confident in myself, some people around me didn’t understand why I didn’t shave/didn’t agree with it. I realised that there is still so much more for us to do to be able to accept one another fully and truly. Then I thought of Januhairy and thought I would try it out. It’s a start at least . . . I have had a lot of support from my friends and family! Even though I had to explain why I was doing it to a lot of them which was surprising, and again, the reason why this is important to do! When I first started growing my body hair my mum asked me “Is it you just being lazy or are you trying to prove a point?” . . . why should we be called lazy if we don’t want to shave? And why do we have to be proving a point? After talking to her about it and helping her understand, she saw how weird it was that she asked those questions. If we do something/see the same things, over and over again it becomes normal. She is now going to join in with Januhairy and grow out her own body hair which is a big challenge for her as well as many women who are getting involved. Of course a good challenge! This isn’t an angry campaign for people who don’t see how normal body hair is, but more an empowering project for everyone to understand more about their views on themselves and others. This picture was taken a few months ago. Now I am joining in with Januhairy, starting the growing process again along with the other wonderful women who have signed up! Progress pictures/descriptions from our gals will be posted throughout the month. Lets get hairy ? #januhairy #bodygossip #bodyhairmovement #happyandhairy #loveyourbody #thenaturalrevolution #natural #hairywomen #womanpowe

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Üha rohkem tõuseb esile kehakuvandiga seotud liikumisi ja kampaaniaid, mis astuvad vastu ühiskondlikele tabudele ning esitavad väljakutse sellele, kuidas naised peaks end avalikkusele esitlema. Võltsidest eeskujudest tüdinenud naised mässavad ebarealistlike standardite vastu ja normaliseerivad loomulikku ilu. Sama loosungit kannab liikumine «Januhairy».

«See ei ole vihane kampaania inimestele, kes ei näe, kui normaalsed kehakarvad on. Pigem on see jõustav projekt kõigile, et paremini aru saada sellest, kuidas me teisi ja iseendid vaatame,» selgitas liikumise algatanud Briti tudeng Instagramis. Naiste kampaania eesmärgiks on kasvatada kuu aega oma kehakarvu, et toetada Body Gossipi haridusprogrammi.

Jaanuar alles algas, aga naised postitavad juba oma progressifotosid. Vaata ja võta osa!


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