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Pluss-suuruses modell asub võitlusesse Victoria's Secretiga

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Foto: ESBP/starmaxinc.com / Starmax/PA Images

Robyn Lawley kutsub naisi üles Victoria's Secret moesõud boikoteerima, kuniks bränd ei tunnista enda kuvandi loomisel erinevaid kehatüüpe.

Robyn Lawley oli esimene pluss-suuruses modell, kes poseerinud ajakirja Sports Illustrated kaanel. 29-aastane Austraalia modell kirjutab sotsiaalmeedias, et Victoria's Secret on juba 20 aastat dikteerinud, et vaid üks kehatüüp on ideaalne.

«Kutsun üles boikoteerima sel aastal Victoria's Secreti moesõud, kuniks bränd hakkab laval esindama kõiki naisi,» kirjutab Lawley oma postituses. Modell loodab, et bränd hakkab tunnustama naisi, kes on tema maksvad kliendid ning neid on igas vanuses, kehakuju- ja suurusega.

Lawley postitus on saanud suurt tähelepanu ning tema loodud algatusele on allkirja andnud tänaseks 1137 inimest. Victoria's Secreti brändi esindajad pole sel teemal veel kommentaare jaganud, vahendab Independent.


I have started an online petition -link in bio ? JOIN ME and lets help change the minds of Victoria’s Secret to be more diverse and inclusive of body shapes and sizes on their runways! Victoria Secret have dominated the space for almost 30 years by telling women there is only one kind of body beautiful. - you can read more in the link of my bio why it’s so important to encourage diversity for our future daughters sake. Until Victoria’s Secret commits to representing ALL women on stage, I am calling for a complete boycott of this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. It’s time Victoria’s Secret recognized the buying power and influence of women of ALL ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. The female gaze is powerful, and together, we can celebrate the beauty of our diversity. It’s about time Victoria’s Secret celebrated the customers that fuel its bottom line. Will you join me? 1 Sign the petition! 2 Encourage your friends not to tune in or attend the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show share a photo of yourself on Instagram, as you are (not airbrushed and beautiful), use the hashtag #weareallangels to share what makes you uniquely beautiful, please tag me so I can see (@robynlawley) and @ThirdLove For every person who shares a post with #weareallangels hashtag, ThirdLove will donate one bra to @isupportthegirls (a national non-profit that collects and distributes bras to homeless women and girls around the country !!!)

A post shared by Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley) on

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