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16-aastane tüdruk tõestas, et suudab sama, mis mehed!

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.

Austraalia noor ja hakkaja matkaja Jade Hameister on siiani noorim inimene, kes on läbinud raske polaarmatka põhjanabast lõunanabani ja läbi terve Gröönimaa.

Paljud inimesed on aga avaldanud arvamust, et see pole nii noorele naisele kohane, kuid Jade on tõestanud vastupidist. Jade innustabki nüüd noori naisi oma unistusi ellu viima ja kriitikutele silmad ette tegema. Vaata pilte!

Happy Australia Day! Today us Aussies celebrate everything that is great about this amazing country we are so lucky to live in. This photo was taken as I skied towards the ceremonial South Pole. The boxing kangaroo isn’t our national flag but it’s symbolic of our never give up attitude. The flags at the marker are from the countries who are a party to the Antarctic Treaty, including Aus. No single country owns Antarctica. It’s a unique reminder that while we should all be very proud of where we live, sometimes, particularly with our environment, we must consider ourselves a human from the planet Earth first and foremost #bravenotperfect #expandpossible #climatechange #jadesquest #thepolarhatrick #northpole #greenland #southpole #nationalgeographic #nationalgeographicapp @natgeo @natgeoau @australiangeographic

A post shared by Jade Hameister, 16 (@jadehameister) on

40 degrees Celsius today in Melbourne... about 90 degrees Celsius hotter than it was in this photo. I spent the day today at the beach in bikinis. In this photo I was wearing the same set of clothes I wore for the entire 37 day expedition... from head to toe: wind proof warm hat, goggles, neoprene face mask, buff, thin thermals, thick thermals, fleece top, pink polar shell top with fur ruff, fleece pants, pink polar shell bottom, down jacket, down skirt, socks and Baffin boots rated to minus 100 and still, the only way to get warm was to get moving! : @ericphilips #bravenotperfect #expandpossible #climatechange #jadesquest #thepolarhatrick #northpole #greenland #southpole #nationalgeographic #nationalgeographicapp @natgeo @natgeoau @australiangeographic

A post shared by Jade Hameister, 16 (@jadehameister) on

Day 33: This is me just before I head out of the tent in the morning to start the day (who knows what I’m doing). I hate the mornings and I am always the slowest in the first couple of sessions. But it’s the complete opposite at the end of the day, I love it (who would know why again). The day started with the sun out and a light head wind. Finally, we seemed to have got our first decent weather day. Then the wind got stronger and colder and we spent the rest of the day rugged up. We managed 18.1km with 57.2km to go. As we have to camp at the waypoint (9km from the Pole) before receiving permission to enter the South Pole station, our plan is to do 17km for the next 2 days then a 14.2km day before the waypoint. This should have us at the Pole around lunchtime on the 10th (our time), or the morning of the 11th in Australia. Get pumped.. #bravenotperfect #expandpossible #climatechange #jadesquest #thepolarhatrick #northpole #greenland #southpole #nationalgeographic #nationalgeographicapp @natgeo @natgeoau @australiangeographic

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Day 31: Inside the Last Degree all teams are required to poo in a bag and carry it all with them in their sleds to the Pole where it is then disposed of. This is to protect the precious environment around the Pole. Dad took a photo of me just before I headed out of the tent this morning into howling winds and snow drift to use my first bag... I was not amused. Had a call with some of my best friends last night! Makes such a difference in the way I’m feeling. But today I was super tired. 31 days is a really long time in these constant, brutal conditions, especially at my age. At the end of the day today, after sweeping the tent, I just sat in the vestibule on my knees trying to hold my head up. 17km covered and now 93km to the Pole!! #bravenotperfect #expandpossible #climatechange #jadesquest #thepolarhatrick #northpole #greenland #southpole #nationalgeographic #nationalgeographicapp @natgeo @natgeoau @australiangeographic

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