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Lopsakamad huuled wasabi abil – järjekordne hullus ilumaailmas

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
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Foto: Panther Media / Scanpix

Wasabi on võimsalt vürtsika maitsega heleroheline pasta, mida tavaliselt süüakse sušiga. Kas sa oled kunagi mõelnud, mis saaks siis, kui sa määriksid seda oma nahale? Selgub, et wasabit saab edukalt kasutada ilutootena.  

Dermatoloog Joshua Zeichner selgitas, et wasabi ärritab nahka ja kui seda huultele määrida, siis see võib teha huuled pisut lopsakamaks. Ta lisas, et see on täiesti ohutu nii kaua, kui seda tehakse mõõdukalt, vahendab Cosmopolitan.

Ilublogija Farah Dhukai, kes on juba varem proovinud erinevaid hullumeelsusi ilumaailmas, nõustus katsetama enda huulte peal ka wasabi-trikki. Naine ostis toidupoest kõige tavalisema wasabi-pasta ja hõõrus selle sõrmedega oma huultele ning ootas minut aega. Seejärel pühkis ta wasabi huultelt maha ja kandis peale niisutavat õli, sest ilmselt olid ta huuled üsna tundlikud ja tulitasid. Tulemuseks oli pisut lopsakam ja roosa suu. Vaata videot ja proovi järele, kui julged. 

NATURAL LIP FILLERS - get SOFT, PLUMP, FULL, lips without needles or sucking on cups or objects As you may have noticed, I have VERY wrinkly lips and its cold AF in Toronto so now theyre super dry too. Wrinkly + Dry = worst combination ever!! SOOO.. THIS one trick is a great way to get plump lips that look like youve had fillers - theyll be extremely soft, wrinkles will be filled in, theyll have a natural pink color, and theyll be so plump ppl will think youve had them done all you need is: ✅WASABI! - $4 for a tube at the grocery store or you can keep the leftovers from sushi dates take a tiny amount and rub it all over your lips ⏰leave on for NO MORE THAN 1 minute wipe off with a damp cloth or baby wipe moisturize IMMEDIATELY! I used my @farsalicare Rose Gold Elixir ✨- you can use whatever you prefer to moisturize your lips, the key is to make sure to moisturize! there you have ittttttt .. pillow soft lips! you can apply a lip color on top if youd like but i personally like how it looks with a plump natural pink color the plumpiness lasts a whole day for me - but everyone is different so results will vary from person to person. The wasabi does sting but it's less than your traditional lip plumper and the effects last longer don't forget to share this video with a friend who wants a lil plump job and help a sis outtttt and like this video Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients. This post is provided for information and educational purposes. It is not designed or intended to constitute medical advice. Please discontinue use if your skin does not react well to the regimen.

A video posted by Farah D (@farahdhukai) on

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