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Piltuudis: mesilasparv tegi hiigelpesa moepoe sissepääsu ette

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Naine
A woman huddles up as she walks past a swarm of about 5,000 honeybees that have been attracted to a discount sign on the window of a shop in central London, Friday, May 16, 2014, turning the fashion store display into a carpet of insects. It is understood the unusual nesting place was picked by the Queen bee, who landed there first and was quickly followed by her devoted colony. (AP Photo/PA, Philip Toscano)  UNITED KINGDOM OUT  NO SALES  NO ARCHIVE / TT / kod 436
A woman huddles up as she walks past a swarm of about 5,000 honeybees that have been attracted to a discount sign on the window of a shop in central London, Friday, May 16, 2014, turning the fashion store display into a carpet of insects. It is understood the unusual nesting place was picked by the Queen bee, who landed there first and was quickly followed by her devoted colony. (AP Photo/PA, Philip Toscano) UNITED KINGDOM OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVE / TT / kod 436 Foto: Philip Toscano/AP

Londoni kesklinnas püüdis täna suurt tähelepanu rohkem kui 5000 mesilinnust koosnev parv, mis üritas poesissepääsu külge pesa teha.

Mesilased hakkasid kogunema Victoria tänaval asuva Topshopi allahindlussildi külge, vahendab Sunday Post.

Pesitsemine sai alguse emamesilasest, kes lendas sildile ja peagi järgnes talle suur mesilasparv. Kohale kutsuti mesinik, kes mesilased suitsu abil kasti juhatab, et nad hiljem kesklinnast ära viia.


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